Help your dog find joy now

Life's joys are all around you and your dog. Let us help you find them.

Everyday is an adventure!

Mobility is the key to an enjoyable journey

Quality of life. Now.

Don't wait until end-of-life to think about quality. Help your dog live it now!
Quality of Life

The phrase “quality of life” can be scary. The phrase conjures up sadness, fear, and the impending loss of a loved one. End-of-life should not be the first time you have a quality-of-life discussion.

Quality of life is a state of mind at all ages and levels of mobility. It’s a place where your dog's mind and body are comfortable yet eager to accept life’s challenges. We'll help you define and embrace what quality of life means for your dog.

Let's talk about it NOW

Quality of life isn’t just about end-of-life decisions; it’s about ensuring they live fully at every stage. Whether they’re healthy or facing illness or advancing age, every dog deserves the joy of being alive. This means savoring each moment—from the excitement of discovering new scents to the happiness of connecting with both familiar people and new friends.

A dog's quality of life is found in the simple pleasures of exploring their world, seeking out new experiences, and embracing each day with curiosity and enthusiasm. Every stage of a dog's life is an opportunity for joy, and mobility makes that possible.

Independence in ADLs: Activities of Daily Living

Mobility is crucial to a dog's quality of life. Being able to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is key to their well-being. These activities include moving from place to place and transitioning between positions (Functional Mobility), maintaining positions to eat, drink, eliminate, and groom, and staying mentally engaged with the world around them. These tasks make up a dog's day, every day, and are essential to their happiness and health.

At our core, we focus on these areas to measure and enhance a dog's quality of life. By improving their ability to move and engage with their environment, we help ensure that every dog lives life to the fullest, no matter their age, injury, or disease.

Emotion to Motion

The mind is the most under-appreciated aspect of canine mobility. Everything your dog experiences in her life is processed through her emotions. No one’s body makes a move without the mind.

We help you identify your dog’s basic emotions and introduce common situations that trigger these emotions for mobility-challenged dogs. Learning to recognize how your dog expresses emotions such as joy, fear, anger, and frustration helps you respond in ways that maintain or restore her physical and emotional comfort.